Convert C# to VB.Net and vice versa

Ever wanted to convert some code from C# to, I know I do on a daily basis. Why is it that the world writes the code I am looking for in C# (I know the answer to that, but play along with me for a second). I know the web is cluttered with these sites, but here’s my suggestion.

Simple steps…

  • Copy the C# code you want to convert
  • Past it onto the code area on the site and click “Convert to VB.Net”

And that’s it, all done and ready to paste into your VB.Net code. I haven’t found a string, function, class or name space that this site couldn’t handle.

If you have any suggestions for a better tool, then leave a comment – and “code in C#” is valid, but I know that already.

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Filed under .Net

One response to “Convert C# to VB.Net and vice versa

  1. Michael

    Another very good way for convenient conversion is the (free) open source program ‘SharpDevelop’. It converts several languages vice-versa and can also convert whole projects instead of snippets.

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