Returning a Random SQL Record

There may be occasions during testing that you want to test against a random record, the following statement will return a random record form the Cars table.

SELECT TOP 1 intID, strName FROM [dbo].[tblCars] ORDER BY NewID()

This would return the following:

intID     strName
17     VW Golf

It works by sorting the records based on the NewID() value, this is a globally unique identifier value. Because NewID() changes based on the time it is called, this will change on every run and will never return a the same code twice.

You can also use the ORDER BY NewID() it to annonymise data by returning random data from random records to create a record that doesn’t actually relate to one particular record. The example below shows how to do this against a table called tblPersons.

@FirstName varchar(20),
@LastName varchar(20),
@DoB datetime

SELECT TOP 1 @FirstName = strFirstName AS [strFirstName] FROM [dbo].[tblPersons] ORDER BY NEWID()
SELECT TOP 1 @LastName = strLastName AS [strLastName] FROM [dbo].[tblPersons] ORDER BY NEWID()
SELECT TOP 1 @DoB = dtmDateOfBirth  AS [dtmDateOfBirth] FROM [dbo].[tblPersons] ORDER BY NEWID()

SELECT @FirstName, @LastName, @DoB

This would return the following:

strFirstName     strLastName     dtmDateOfBirth
Francis     Higginbotham     1956-09-12 00:00:00.000

The above example is ideal if you are working on a large dataset, over a hundred records, I wouldn’t recommend it if you have much less than this as the random factor gets less random. You could expand the above statement to include addresses, phone number, but remember that a phone number is and a post code can actually identify someone, so again I wouldn’t recommend doing this.

If you have any questions on the above or would like more examples, then please ad a comment to the post.

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