Tag Archives: SQL

SQL Filter to perform left, right, full outer or any combination of

SQL is very good at performing joins on data and there are endless ways to optimise the performance when it comes to joining tables and filetring the data when an item is one thing or the other. But how is it possible to take all of the records from one table and some from another?

I was given such a task, to return data from one table that existed in the second table, which was a simple left join. But then there was an additional requirement to return all data from table one that didn’t exist in table to (and vice versa).

Drawing this was a case of a Venn Diagram. The first circle being table one, the second circle being table two. Returning any combination of one, two or three of the parts.

<Image 1: Simple Venn diagram>

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Filed under SQL

Good practice to save data – Windows Forms

The Setup

I’m going to explain about data entry in VB.Net Windows form, retrieving data, manipulating it, validating it and saving it back to your database.

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Filed under Windows Forms